Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

   Preposition can be used to show location of things.there are ,many preposition in English,such as: in,on aat,beside,behind in front of,under,above,over,between,among,inside,on top of,at the bottom,etc.proposition in a sentence.
1.      Submit your works on my desk!
2.      A boy standing in front of my house is my new friend
3.      The birds fly over their house
4.      We walk along the building
   There are many ways people express their feelings.
    If they are pleased the can say:
      Oh,how marvelous!                I`m delighted
     That’s wonderful!                     I`m pleased about ….
     That’s good news                     i`m satisfied with…..
      I`m pleased                               i` happy with…..
  If people are displeased the can say:
     I`m very annoyed…..                  i`m displeased….
     I`m unhappy with….                  I`m fed up with….
    That’s not very pleasant….        I don`t like….
     I`m not satisfied with…..           i`m very shocked…..

In responding opinions people may agree or disagree,
    If they agree,the may say:
         I agree
         (I think) that`s a good isea
        You`r right
        (I belive)tht`s true
        I `m (all) for it
  If people disagree with someone`s opinion,the may say:
      I disagree…..
      I don’t think so
      I`d love to,but….
      I`m sorry,but I don’t think so
      (i`m afraid) it`s / that’s not true
      I think  that`s not right
      In my opinion it`s wrong
      I don`t think that`s a good idea

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